Become an FFA Member
FFA is an integral part agricultural education. To join FFA, you must be enrolled in an agriculture course at your school. Contact your school counselor or agriculture teacher to enroll in an agricultural education program and join FFA.
Membership Dues
Dues paid to the Indiana FFA Association are $14 per active member per year, and include national, state, and district dues. Local dues shall be established by a majority vote of the local chapter.
Affiliate Membership
Chapters can opt to have affiliate membership with the National and Indiana FFA Organizations. Affiliate membership essentially establishes all students enrolled in Agricultural Education courses as members of the FFA Chapter.
Below are multiple resources explaining affiliate membership, dues structure, and identifies how a chapter agrees to this membership type.
Collegiate Membership
Collegiate membership provides college age students with professional, social, and organizational benefits. Being a collegiate member establishes networking and direct contact with industry leaders, while also providing social activities. Additionally, there are special events for collegiate members during the National FFA Convention in October.